Trinito Business Philosophy

Committed to making your IT better

Trinito’s people are without question our greatest asset, their experience, drive and expertise not only define the company but also allow us to succeed in our promise to make our clients’ IT better. Every aspect of Trinito’s approach and culture are shaped by a series of guiding principles (as listed below). In following these principles we are able to consistently deliver the same standard of service and thinking across our full offering and rise to even the most demanding of challenges set by our clients.

The unifying theme behind every single one of our guiding principles is to put our clients at the centre of our thinking. In achieving this we are better positioned to create specialist value and improve the technological performance of every organisation that we work with.

Be 'People-Centric' - putting people before technology

Few industries innovate at the rate of the IT industry. It appears that not a day goes by without something ‘Revolutionary’ or ‘Game changing’ being launched to great acclaim. It is perhaps therefore understandable why some end up getting carried away by the next ‘Big thing’ and in doing so overlook the all-important people/organisation that the technology is supposed to benefit/serve.

Trinito always puts people first, only by truly understanding an organisation and its goals from an individual perspective can we then help them make the best choices and get more from their IT. Our knowledge network is designed to keep us at the forefront of technology but it is our appreciation of people, their organisations and businesses that always drives our approach and solutions alike.

Every organisation has its own unique vision, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. While it is accepted that most consultancy projects will actively draw on this insight to form the basis of their solutions. It is conversely fair to say that the same level of consideration is somewhat lacking outside of the consultancy arena with dealings becoming less considered and more transactional in their orientation.

At Trinito we believe that failing to build a rich and accurate understanding of our clients’ organisations effectively reduces the value that we are able to offer them. The likelihood of opportunities being missed or risks and limitations not being fully appraised is significantly increased when technical expertise is given in isolation or with only a basic appreciation of the organisation it is for.

With this in mind we have actively structured our approach to foster a more in-depth understanding of our clients’ organisations and businesses as doing so increases the specialist value that we are then able offer them. Relationship Management is key to achieving this goal, allowing us to organically grow our understanding of the organisation without being intrusive or needing to draw heavily on our clients’ own resources.

We believe good relationship management should be impartial, client focused and never purely sales driven. Our investment in the relationship reflects not only how much we value our clients but also aims to realise long-term returns for both organisations in the context of performance and efficiency. It also recognises that the best solutions are robustly thought-out and actively leverage the individuality of the organisation they support.

Invest in relationships

Think long-term

Our investment in client relationships is by its very nature a long-term strategy and as such requires an equally long-term commitment to both our thinking and resources. To ensure the relationship works from the start and is allowed to strengthen over time Trinito’s team always consider the impact of anything we do over its full life-span. We feel this is only way to ensure we continue to demonstrate our value while building on the trust that this creates. It is noted that delivering this level of commitment does not lend itself to short-term gain but instead focuses on making continued returns over the longer-term.

Our commitment to long-term thinking is also visible in our knowledge network and its focus on continuous improvement. Investing in our own team provides the expertise and stability necessary to foster long-term relationships that will allow our clients to flourish.

Trinito aims to gain our clients’ trust by putting their objectives first. This assurance is very evident in our vendor neutral policy which focuses on ‘best in class’ technology and its fit with organisation before our own vendor relationships and opportunities. Our experience and support for over 40 vendors‘ makes this viable approach, as does our policy of only partnering with vendors who don’t restrict our ability to provide the best value to our clients.

Objectivity and impartiality are also evident in our CoverActive support services, as while fully integrated into Trinito’s 360° service offering, it also has its own independence and management autonomy. The logic behind this is to actively prevent any potential for a conflict of interest arising between Trinito’s various consultancy and sales divisions and the impartiality required by CoverActive to deliver the integral support function to all its clients.

Understanding our clients better means we can be more pragmatic in our advice. While we will always look to push what their technology can achieve further and inspire through our Knowledge Network. Equally, we take a pragmatic stance that works with our understanding of organisation and its current situation to get the most out of our clients’ resources and the opportunities available available to them.

Be objective, impartial and pragmatic

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